recap audio cover eng

The purpose of these audio files – with the voice of Victor Sanchez – is to support the practice of the recapitulation process through the evocative power of music and the expert guidance of the world leading authority on the Recapitulation process.

The package includes one PDF file with information and instructions and two audio mp3 files.

The first audio file includes a music track that can help increase the level of concentration and focus throughout the flow of the different steps of the technique, in addition to voice instructions step by step to guide the practitioner.

The second audio file contains the same musical track, but instead of providing continuing instructions throughout the recapitulation segment, it contains only brief voice prompts, to indicate the proper time to move on to the next step of the process.

One possible sequence is to use the audio guided recapitulation support for the initial stage of practice and then, when the practitioner has acquired enough familiarity and memorized the steps of the technique, he or she would switch to the use of the track with only music and short voice prompts.

In a next stage they will be able to stop using the audio tapes –if they wish- and follow by themselves the steps that -by then- will have become second nature to carry out during the recapitulation session.

Finally, the musical support of these files is for general topics.

In the near future, new audio files specially created to support the recapitulation of particularly sensitive subject areas will be available in this website.

Package contents:

  • PDF document: 10 pages
  • Audrio track 1: 19 MB
  • Audio Track 2: 19 MB